Manncorp Exhibits New Production Line at APEX 2020

Our booth at the 2020 IPC APEX Expo was filled with electronics assemblers from around the world, eager to see our team of Manncorp heroes present the new High-Precision SMT Production Line.

Didn’t attend the expo? You can still get a firsthand look at our new production line by watching our APEX 2020 video below. Ed, our superhero sales manager, walks us through each piece of equipment.

Our Core Machines From the Line Exhibited at APEX

  1. Totally automatic, full-vision AP430 Inline Stencil Printer
  2. Full-vision MC389 High-Speed Pick & Place Machine
  3. Inline, 4-zone CR4000C SMT Reflow Oven

If you’re interested in bringing your SMT production in-house or expanding your current capabilities, we can help make the process easier. Simply send your bill of materials to Chris at and he will help select the right machines for you.

We will work directly with you, our in-house technicians ready to save the day with full-support services. We ship anywhere in the world, offer the most competitive pricing, and can design the perfect line for handling your PCB assembly needs.

Visit our website for upfront pricing and extensive information on Manncorp’s selection of equipment for SMT and mixed technology assembly.

We had a super great time getting to meet and see everyone at APEX 2020. If you were able to stop by, we hope you enjoyed our booth. If you have any questions about the equipment we had at the show, you can reach us at or by calling either our East Coast (215.830.1200) or West Coast (858.490.6266) office.